segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010

Ip Man OST

For those who are searching for Ip Man original sound track 叶问电影原声大碟, today is your lucky day. I am uploading a complete set of the album.

There are 31 songs in it opposed to the 15 songs which you get from the promotional CD.

Image shamelessly grabbed from YesAsia.

Ip Man – 01 – Maestro 一代宗师
Ip Man – 02 – Harmony 融乐
Ip Man – 03 – Challenge 切磋
Ip Man – 04 – Arrogance 嚣
Ip Man – 05 – Insolence 傲
Ip Man – 06 – Calmness 泰然自若
Ip Man – 07 – City Of Sadness 悲城
Ip Man – 08 – Lost 惘然
Ip Man – 09 – In Vain 徒然
Ip Man – 10 – Decayed 腐
Ip Man – 11 – Stuck In A Moment 困
Ip Man – 12 – Consequences 代价
Ip Man – 13 – Battle 战
Ip Man – 14 – Sacrifice 死而后己
Ip Man – 15 – Ip Man 叶问
Ip Man – 16 – Nirvana 涅磐
Ip Man – 17 – Desperado 亡命之徒
Ip Man – 18 – Little Thoughts 小念头
Ip Man – 19 – Entanglement 纠缠
Ip Man – 20 – Fearless 无惧
Ip Man – 21 – Going Under 赴汤蹈火
Ip Man – 22 – Instinct 本觉
Ip Man – 23 – Danger 危境
Ip Man – 24 – Sinking 沉
Ip Man – 25 – Tensed 剑拔弩张
Ip Man – 26 – Battle For Righteousness 仁义之战
Ip Man – 27 – Remembrance 岁月
Ip Man – 28 – Harakiri 断
Ip Man – 29 – Completion 圆
Ip Man – 30 – Maestro 一代宗师
Ip Man – 31 – Trailer 预告

I also changed a few song titles, the English ones only, as I figured it would be more appropriate than its original translation. There are 31 songs, approximately 63 minutes long and its file size is about 63.1MB.

Download – Part 1

Download – Part 2

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